佈局電動車充電網絡,迎合未來 綠色出行趨勢
Policy Background
The Chief Executive announced in her 2020 Policy Address that Hong Kong would strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050. In October 2021, the Environment Bureau (retitled as the Environment and Ecology Bureau (EEB) with effect from 1 July 2022) published the Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050, with“net- zero electricity generation” as one of the major decarbonisation strategies.
To decarbonise our electricity generation, the Government will strive to drive the development of renewa- ble energy (RE) through taking the lead in developing RE at Government’s premises and facilitating the private sector in installing RE systems on their land and properties.
EEB and the Development Bureau hereby introduced a set of measures to facilitate the installation of sol- ar photovoltaic (PV) systems in open car parks (viz.those that are not enclosed) by the private sector (the Facilitation Measures) under the building regime.